what our numbers say about public households in SA

31,300 public households in SA, with 52,300 occupants - most tenants are single person households

PercentageStatistic descriptor
59% of the ‘lead’ tenants in public housing are women
61% of tenants are older people (55 years of age and over), 57% women
66% of tenants in younger person households are women
86% of tenants have their rent subsidised
25% have been SA Housing Trust tenants for 20 years or more
78% of individuals experiencing child safety issues are women; 22% men
51% of individuals experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness are men; 49% women
67% of individuals experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic and family violence are women; 33% men
51% of individuals living with disability and/or mental health issues are women; 49% men
31% of tenants living with disability and/or mental health issues are most likely to live in a single household with a lease of 5 years or more
35% of our tenants have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, family and domestic violence
32% have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, homelessness
48% of households with children aged under 15 have 1 child; 30% have 2 children; 22% have 3 or more children
38% of households with 2 or more Aboriginal tenants include children under the age of 15; 53% of these households include children under 5 years of age
57% of tenancies are considered to be ‘stable’ – minimal interventions and support services are required; minimal risk to maintaining a successful tenancy
33% of tenancies are considered to be ‘vulnerable’ – moderate to high level of intervention and support services required to prevent the tenancy from becoming ‘high risk’
10% of tenancies are considered to be ‘high risk’ – intensive intervention and support services required to prevent homelessness; at least one safety risk, such as domestic and family violence, is likely to be present

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