Our public housing tenants

Public housing tenants reside across South Australia and come from a variety of backgrounds. For example, our public housing supports the elderly, people with disabilities, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and people leaving domestic and family violence.

Allocating Public and Aboriginal housing

Public housing is for people on low to moderate incomes who have difficulty accessing and maintaining housing in the private market, and who are at the greatest risk of becoming homeless.

The SA Housing Trust’s (the Trust) public housing services are part of a broader social housing support system in South Australia. Another social housing option includes community housing, which is provided and managed by organisations independent of government with strong links to their community. Additionally, private rental assistance grants may be a solution for many South Australians.

More information on allocation of Public and Aboriginal housing

Maintenance and repairs to public housing

The Trust is responsible for approximately 35,000 social housing homes across South Australia. Maintenance and repair work is prioritised according to urgency. Urgent repairs that may be unsafe to tenants will be a higher priority than maintenance work that doesn’t affect safety such a painting or fixing a fence.

More information on how to request repairs to public housing and non-urgent maintenance and repairs.

Can I make home improvements to my property?

Tenants can apply to make their own improvements or alterations to their public housing property but they must seek written approval first. More information on home improvements in public housing.

Can my property be modified if I have a disability?

Modifications to your public housing home may be made free of charge if you or someone in your household has a disability. More information on modifying public housing for people with a disability.

Who is responsible for maintaining gardens at my property?

Depending on the type of housing you live in, there are garden areas like front and backyards that tenants are responsible for. More information on maintaining my property garden areas.

Preparing for a home visit

We regularly visit tenants at home to talk about tenancy, ensure tenants are meeting the conditions of their lease agreement, and to discuss any supports a household may need. More information how to prepare for a  regular Housing SA home visit.

Am I allowed to have visitors stay at my property?

You are allowed to have visitors at your property, however, you do need written approval before another person can move in or stay for an extended period. More information on changes to your household.

Can I have a pet at my property?

There are a few things to consider when having pets in a public housing property, such as suitable space for the type of pet, local council regulations. More information on having a pet or pets in a Housing SA property.

Dealing with antisocial behaviour

Antisocial behaviour interferes with the reasonable peace, comfort and privacy of neighbours. It can include threats and harassment, property damage, excessive noise. Noise or activity associated with daily life, such as children playing, isn’t considered antisocial behaviour. More information on antisocial behaviour in Housing SA properties.

How do I transfer or exchange a property?

If you are an existing public housing tenant and you want to move to a different property, or to Aboriginal housing, you need to register for a transfer or a mutual exchange. More information on Housing SA property transfer to a different property or mutual exchange of a property.

Assistance with paying accounts

If you need help with managing your account there are various options available to you, such as Direct Debit, direct deductions from Centrelink payments, BPay. More information on paying Housing SA accounts.

If you need assistance to help pay a debt, more information is available on getting help to pay a Housing SA debt.

Ending a public housing tenancy

You need to give at least two weeks’ written notice if you want to end your tenancy. More information on how to end a public housing tenancy.

How do I provide feedback?

You can provide feedback or make a complaint online, via email, by telephone or by post. More information on feedback and complaints.


Contact information for public housing, community housing, maintenance, Housing Safety Authority and Office of Housing Regualtion, Interpreting and Translation services and National Relay service, see Housing SA contact information


Need help in a crisis situation, help with domestic violence and abuse, require accommodation or sleeping rough, see information on how to get assistance

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