What is public housing and am I eligible?

Public housing is housing owned by the Government of South Australia and rented by South Australians. Public housing (including Aboriginal housing) is for people on low incomes, particularly those who have difficulty accessing and maintaining housing in the private market. Demand for public housing exceeds the number of properties available.

To find out if you are eligible for public housing refer to the eligibility for housing policy.

Public housing is not emergency accommodation. If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless there are crisis services that can help you.

What is community housing and am I eligible?

Community housing is for people on low incomes or moderate incomes, particularly those who have difficulty accessing and maintaining housing in the private market, or people with additional needs. Community housing is delivered by non-government organisations, and demand for community housing exceeds the number of properties available. There are a number of Community housing providers (local and country areas).

To find out if you are eligible for community housing refer to the Community Housing eligibility policy (PDF, 202.5 KB).

How do I register for public or community housing?

If you are eligible for public or community housing, you will need to register. The SA Housing Trust maintains a Single Housing Register where people register their interest in living in either a public housing property, an Aboriginal housing property, or a community housing property.

To find out more about how to register and what you will need to do before you apply, visit the how to register section on sa.gov.au.

What happens after I register?

You will get a letter telling you if your registration has been successful. You may be asked to provide more information or attend an appointment to talk about your situation.

Registrations are placed into a category based on your need. People with the highest level of need are generally offered housing first.

Each year we will write to you to check your registration is up to date. You need to respond to this letter if you still want to be registered.

How do I update or cancel an existing registration?

If you have already registered and need to update or cancel, you can do so at at any time. More information on how to update or cancel an existing registration.

Housing for Aboriginal People

To find out information about accessing homes in regional communities, where to stay when travelling for services and where to stay for work and learning is available at www.sa.gov.au/Housing for Aborginal people.

Rents and charges

Public housing rents are calculated using a rent calculator consistent with SA Housing Trust policies. To find out information about when rent needs to be paid, how rent is set, and how often rent is reviewed go to www.sa.gov.au/Paying rent in Housing SA property and additional information about rent management www.sa.gov.au/Rent management .

For other public housing charges such as water and maintenance visit www.sa.gov.au/Rent, Water and other charges

Information about community housing rents and charges is available at www.sa.gov.au/Community housing rents and charges

What if I am not eligible for public or community housing?

For people who need housing support but do not meet public or community housing criteria, there are a range of other forms of housing assistance available, including private rental assistance and support for aspiring home owners, including lower cost affordable homes for purchase at www.homeseeker.sa.gov.au.

Emergency housing

For people who need emergency housing visit www.sa.gov.au/Community services for people who are homeless or at risk to see what supports are available.


Need help in a crisis situation, help with domestic violence and abuse, require accommodation or sleeping rough, see information on how to get assistance

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