You'll need to meet the income and asset limits for public and community housing to be eligible for:

You'll need to meet the income and asset limits for help paying bond or rent and the cash asset limits to be eligible for:

The maximum weekly and annual income before tax for each household type.
Household type Maximum weekly income before tax Maximum annual income before tax
1 adult $807.21 $41,974.92
1 adult, 1 child$986.59$51,302.68
1 adult, 2 children$1,165.97$60,630.44
2 adults$1,255.66$65,294.32
2 adults, 1 child $1,435.04$74,622.08
2 adults, 2 children $1,614.42$83,949.84

The income limits increase by:

  • $448.45 per week for each additional adult
  • $179.38 per week for each additional child.

An adult is someone aged 18 and over. A child is someone aged 17 or younger unless they have an independent income. Someone aged 17 or younger with an independent income is treated as an adult.

The maximum weekly and annual income before tax for each household type.
Household type Maximum weekly income before tax Maximum annual income before taxMaximum weekly income before tax for
Low income earners
Single person $1,165.97$60,630.44$816.18
Single person with 1 child$1,524.73$79,285.96$1,067.31
Single person with 2 children$1,704.11$88,613.72$1,192.88
Single person with 3 children$1,883.49$97,941.48$1,318.44
Single person with 4 or more children$2,152.56$111,933.12$1,506.79
Couple $1,524.73$79.285.96$1,067.31
Couple with 1 child$1,704.11$88,613.72$1,192.88
Couple with 2 children$1,883.49$97,941.48$1,318.44
Couple with 3 children$2,152.56$111,933.12$1,506.79
Couple with 4 or more children$2,421.63$125,924.76$1,695.14

An independent income is a regular income paid directly to you and is the minimum amount of income you can have to be considered for:

  • public or Aboriginal housing
  • housing managed by Housing SA in an Aboriginal community
  • help paying bond or rent.

It can include, but isn't limited to:

  • payments from Centrelink or similar, for example Veterans' Affairs
  • a wage or salary for full time, part-time, or casual work
  • investment income
  • interest paid directly to you.

Your income must be at least equal to Centrelink's maximum Youth Allowance payment for a single person with no children who is not living at their parent's home.

Household typeMaximum asset value
1 adult$54,375
2 adults$69,350
The maximum asset limit amount for each household type.

An adult is someone aged 18 and over. Someone aged 17 or younger with an independent income is treated as an adult.

Assets can include:

  • cash lodged with a financial institution
  • real estate such as vacant land
  • shares, bonds and investments
  • household and personal effects
  • cars, boats and motorhomes
  • any debts currently owed to you
  • overseas assets converted to Australian dollars.

Superannuation is not assessed as an asset until it’s withdrawn or accessed.

National Redress Scheme and Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme payments are not assessed as assets.

Housing SA or a community housing provider may request proof of an asset at any time, for example statement from financial institution.

Maximum cash asset value $69,350

Cash assets are any money or funds readily available to you. It can include:

  • cash in the bank
  • term deposit
  • shares
  • savings

Household typeMaximum asset value
Households headed by a single person$5,000
Households headed by a couple$5,000
The maximum cash asset value for each household type.

Cash assets are any money or funds readily available to you. It can include:

  • cash in the bank
  • term deposit
  • shares
  • savings

Income limits are based on an income equal to, or less than, a percentage of average weekly earnings (male ordinary time) for South Australia as set by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Where average weekly earnings fall lower than a previously published amount, the income limits are still based on the higher amount.

Only assessable types of income are included.

For public and community housing, the percentages for households with 1 adult are:

  • 45% for 1 adult
  • 55% for 1 adult and 1 child
  • 65% for 1 adult and 2 children.

For public and community housing, the percentages for households with 2 adults are:

  • 70% for 2 adults
  • 80% for 2 adults and 1 child
  • 90% for 2 adults and 2 children.

The percentages increase by:

  • 25% for each additional adult
  • 10% for each additional child.

The income limits don’t apply to people who:

  • registered their interest before 25 February 1998
  • were included on someone else’s registration of interest before 25 February 1998, have since lodged their own registration of interest, and meet all other eligibility conditions.

For help paying bond or rent and the Emergency Accommodation Program, the percentages for households headed by a single adult are:

  • 65% for a single person
  • 85% for a single person with 1 dependent
  • 95% for a single person with 2 dependents
  • 105% for a single person with 3 dependents
  • 120% for a single person with 4 or more dependents.

For help paying bond or rent and the Emergency Accommodation Program, the percentages for households headed by a couple are:

  • 85% for a couple
  • 95% for a couple with 1 dependent
  • 105% for a couple with 2 dependents
  • 120% for a couple with 3 dependents
  • 135% for a couple with 4 or more dependents.

The asset limits are based on 10% of Centrelink’s Allowances and Parenting Payment asset test for non-home owners.

An asset is any possession someone owns or partly owns, for example cash, real estate, shares, household contents, vehicles, boats. It includes assets held outside Australia and any debts owed to the person. The asset value is how much the asset would be worth if it was sold on the open market minus any debts or encumbrances.

The asset limits don’t apply to people who:

  • registered their interest before 25 February 1998
  • were included on someone else’s registration of interest before 25 February 1998, have since lodged their own registration of interest, and meet all other eligibility conditions.
Page last updated: 5 June 2024