This policy sets out the payment options available to customers when paying South Australia Housing Trust charges, for example rent, maintenance charges.

Payment options

Rent Deduction Scheme

The Rent Deduction Scheme allows customers to pay rent and other charges directly from their Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs payments.

Using the Rent Deduction Scheme is a condition of the lease agreement, also known as the Conditions of Tenancy, for tenants receiving an income from either:

  • Centrelink, including family assistance payments
  • the Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Other payment options

Customers can also make payments by either:

  • Direct Debit
  • having them forwarded directly from their wages by arrangement with their employer
  • through Australia Post’s Post Billpay service
  • at any Service SA office
  • online card payment option
  • BPAY directly through a financial institution

Housing SA doesn’t accept cash payments over the counter.

Related information

Controlling documents

This policy is based on and complies with:

Supporting guidelines

  • Customer payment options guideline v5

Date this policy applies from

29 April 2024

Version number


The online version of the policy is the approved and current version. There’s no guarantee any printed copies are current.