About the policies

The South Australian Housing Trust (SAHT) policies are progressively going online.  Not all policies are currently available online. We will update this site without notice when policies become available.  A full list of all Housing policies is available below.

For a copy of a policy not online, contact Housing SA 131 299 ☏  

What a policy is

Each policy lays out the organisation’s intent on the topic it covers. We use policies to determine eligibility for services, provision of resources, and determining courses of action in line with the organisation’s intent.

Our policies comply with all relevant legislation and regulations, the South Australian Housing Trust Act 1995, and are regularly reviewed and audited.

Policy disclaimer

The SA Housing Trust develops and administers policies on behalf of the SAHT, and complies with these policies.

Policies can be changed, withdrawn or replaced at any time. The online versions are the approved and current versions. Printed copies are uncontrolled and therefore may not be current.

Page last updated: 16 April 2024